Thursday, November 3, 2016

The work you can see and the work you can't...

The main room on the lower level is primed and ready for paint.

We are trying to be somewhat aggressive with the remaining work that needs to be accomplished around the building in West Conshohocken.  Our goal is to have the work finished by the end of 2016 so we can begin the work of planting the church in earnest.  We are trying to carve out one (possibly two) partial days each week to dedicate to this project and that seems to be helping.

Barb, helping us with trim painting

The main room in the lower level is primed and ready for paint.  The back room is partially primed and is ready to be trimmed.

Andrea, trimming some of the areas near the ceiling

We have most of the junk and clutter removed from the building at this point, but there are still a few items that need a new home.  We have three pianos we'd like to give away and some other odds and ends, including Christmas decorations.

John, rolling the primer in the back room on the lower level.  This is the room we loaded up with junk at first when we were trying to bring some sense of order to the building.  Most of the junk is gone now.

What you can't see from these pictures is the work taking place behind the scenes.  Matt Thomas is hard at work getting a sound booth built and figuring out the other logistics of sound and video for the sanctuary.  Mike Ivins is in the process of remodeling the bathrooms and he also coordinated a visit with a carpet installer to take measurements so he can give us a bid.

Will we be finished with the remaining painting by the end of this month?  With the other interior projects be completed by the end of 2016?  I don't know, but we're getting close enough that it seems likely.  Thanks for your prayers!

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